
DIY Crate Nightstands

I recently made these super easy and CHEAP nightstands. They require little skill and can fit into any budget. These nightstands cost approximately $20 each. They are a perfect touch of farmhouse style.


Wooden crates: Two per nightstand 
Stain in color of choice
Old rags
Wood glue/ Clamps (Optional)


You are going to want to purchase wooden crates for your nightstands and stain them. Ours cost $10 a crate on sale at Michaels. 

Next you are going to stain your crates in a well ventilated area. We soon found out it was best to wear gloves because the stain is a pain to get off your skin. We dipped old socks in our stain and rubbed down the crates.

The stain being used here is in the color Espresso.

After you have stained them you can adhere the two crates together with wood glue and clamps. If you decide to do this make sure you let the glue dry according to the directions on the bottle. I have not glued mine so they can be versatile.

I used the stain in the color of classic  gray for the pictured night stand.


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